
UMass Amherst Old Chapel Video Wall

The UMass Amherst Old Chapel Video Wall is a visually immersive and
interactive experience that is designed to inspire interest, curiosity
and ultimately a sense of pride for all who enter the building.

Students, faculty and staff, alumni, and community members are able
to serendipitously explore and learn more around a variety of subjects
including but not limited to UMass history, buildings and architecture
on campus, art and artifact collections, current news stories about
the University and the work of faculty, students, and alumni. 


A Local Projects project. Lead Creative Technologist & Developer.


UMASS_WALL is a single openFrameworks application that runs the frontend experience of this touchwall. The app serves as both a video player, as well as an interactive experience where users explore a collection of stories about the university through a specific tagging system. 

Software Features:

  • Videoplayer

  • Touchwall with 4 interactive columns

  • Physics simulation animations with data clustering

  • Dynamic content digestion from twitter and UMass student websites

  • CMS driven content


Hardware Diagram
